What is Muay Thai, you ask? It’s a dynamic martial arts style that uses just about every muscle in the body. At Muay Thai, everyone is welcome, from beginners to seasoned warriors. Our class is an excellent tool to enhance self-defense skills, general physical conditioning, and hand-eye coordination skills.

The confidence and self-assurance that you learn through punches, kicks, knees, and elbow jab moves transcends Muay Thai and follows you into the real world. Our athletes are stronger, fiercer, and more self-confident in their daily lives.

Our Muay Thai team regularly competes all over the southeast and in Charleston, but the best competition is often found internally by finding the champion beneath the surface. Becoming a champion comes in many forms, both in the ring and outside of it. For those who want to climb the Muay Thai competition ladder, we give you the ability to do so. If not, everyone comes out a competitor in their own way.